Why do MMA fighters have cauliflower ears?

UFC fighters often have “weird” ears, a condition known as cauliflower ear, due to the brutal nature of their sport that involves repeated trauma from punches, grappling, and other physical impacts.

This condition, though often seen as a mark of toughness, can be both painful and permanent if left untreated.

Why do MMA fighters have cauliflower ears?

Cauliflower ear, a common condition among MMA fighters, results from repeated trauma to the outer ear. 

When fighters experience blows, twists, or intense pressure to the ear, the blood vessels in the cartilage can rupture.

As a result, blood pools in the area, separating the cartilage from the overlying perichondrium (a layer of dense irregular connective tissue that surrounds the cartilage of developing bone). This separation interrupts the blood supply, causing the cartilage to die and form a lump. Over time, the ear hardens and develops a bumpy, uneven appearance.

Moreover, fighters often neglect medical treatment, allowing the hematoma to deform the ear further. As this process continues, the ear takes on the distinct, swollen look associated with “cauliflower ear”.

Prevention methods include wearing protective headgear and promptly draining hematomas. But many fighters view the condition as a badge of honor, signifying their resilience and experience in the sport.

Proper care and protection can mitigate the risk, but the nature of MMA makes complete prevention challenging. Therefore, cauliflower ear remains a common and often unavoidable aspect of a fighter’s career.

What are Cauliflower Ears?

Cauliflower ears result from repeated blunt trauma to the ear. When the ear suffers an injury, blood can accumulate between the ear cartilage and the skin, forming a hematoma.

This hematoma can disrupt the blood supply to the cartilage, causing tissue death and the characteristic lumpy appearance.

Wrestlers, boxers, and rugby players are particularly prone to this condition due to the nature of their sports.


Early symptoms of a cauliflower ear include:

  • Swelling and redness
  • Pain and tenderness
  • Bruising

If left untreated, the ear can harden and form a permanent deformity, resembling a cauliflower. This progression can also lead to complications such as:

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  • Hearing loss
  • Ear infections
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ear)


Immediate treatment is crucial to prevent permanent deformity. Here are the main steps:

  1. Drainage – A healthcare professional needs to drain the accumulated blood from the hematoma. This procedure involves making a small incision in the ear and removing the blood.
  2. Compression – After drainage, applying a compression bandage helps to prevent blood from re-accumulating and allows the skin to adhere back to the cartilage.
  3. Medication – Anti-inflammatory medications and antibiotics might be prescribed to reduce inflammation and prevent infection.
  4. Follow-up Care – Regular check-ups ensure proper healing. In some cases, additional drainage may be necessary if blood reaccumulates.
  5. Surgical Intervention – In severe or chronic cases, reconstructive surgery might be required to restore the ear’s appearance.

How to Prevent Cauliflower Ears in MMA Training

MMA training involves high-intensity physical contact, increasing the risk of injuries like cauliflower ears. Preventive measures are essential to protect athletes from developing this condition.

Here’s how to prevent cauliflower ears during MMA training.

Wear Protective Headgear

Wearing headgear designed specifically for combat sports can reduce the risk of ear injuries. High-quality headgear provides cushioning and protection, absorbing impacts and preventing direct trauma to the ears.

 Always choose gear that fits snugly and securely without limiting your vision.

Practice Proper Techniques

Proper technique is crucial in minimizing the risk of injuries. Coaches and trainers should emphasize the importance of correct grappling and striking techniques. By executing moves correctly, athletes can avoid unnecessary impacts and pressure on their ears.

Use Ear Guards

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Ear guards are another effective tool to prevent cauliflower ears. These small, flexible shields fit over the ears and under the headgear, providing additional protection. They are particularly useful during intense sparring sessions and grappling drills.

Maintain Cleanliness and Hygiene

Infections can exacerbate injuries and increase the risk of cauliflower ears. Keep training equipment, headgear, and guards clean. Wash them regularly to prevent the buildup of bacteria. Also, practice good personal hygiene by cleaning your ears and skin after training sessions.

Seek Immediate Medical Attention

If you sustain an injury, seek immediate medical attention. Early intervention can prevent the development of cauliflower ears. A healthcare professional can drain any accumulated blood and provide appropriate treatment to ensure proper healing.

Why MMA Fighters Don’t Heal Their Cauliflower Ears?

Although the treatment is quite simple, many fighters choose not to heal their cauliflower ears. They do this for several reasons that include practical considerations, cultural significance, and personal preferences.

In the MMA community, cauliflower ears symbolize toughness, experience, and dedication. Fighters with cauliflower ears often gain respect from peers and fans, as these deformities are seen as badges of honor.

The distinctive appearance serves as a visual representation of the hard work and sacrifices made in the sport. For many fighters, keeping their cauliflower ears is a way to showcase their commitment and resilience.

Also, treating cauliflower ears requires time and rest. Draining the hematoma and applying compression bandages involve multiple follow-up visits to ensure proper healing.

For fighters preparing for an upcoming fight, taking time off for such a “cosmetic” treatment is impossible. Even after successful treatment, cauliflower ears can reoccur.

Is Having Cauliflower Ears Painful?

Cauliflower ears can indeed be painful, especially during the initial stages when the injury first occurs. When a fighter sustains trauma to the ear, the immediate swelling and accumulation of blood (hematoma) can cause significant discomfort. 

This pain arises from the pressure exerted by the pooled blood and the subsequent inflammation of the ear tissue.

As the ear heals, the pain typically diminishes. However, if left untreated, the initial hematoma can harden into fibrous tissue, which might still cause discomfort, particularly if the ear experiences further trauma.

Also, the hardened tissue can lead to a loss of flexibility. This makes the ear more susceptible to injury and potentially more painful when struck or pressed during grappling.

Moreover, during the process of draining, fighters might experience pain. This procedure, although necessary to prevent permanent deformity, involves puncturing the ear to remove the accumulated blood, which can be quite uncomfortable.

UFC Fighters with Worst Cauliflower Ears

Here are some of the most famous UFC fighters with cauliflower ears.

Randy Couture

Randy Couture, a legendary figure in MMA, has probably the worst cauliflower ears in the sport. A former heavyweight and light heavyweight champion, Couture is celebrated for his wrestling prowess and strategic fighting style. The majority of hardcore fans can easily recognize him by the ears.

Khabib Nurmagomedov

Khabib is an undefeated lightweight champion and another famous fighter with cauliflower ears. His dominant grappling and ground-and-pound style have earned him a place among the greatest fighters in UFC history. As a fighter who grew up on the wrestling mats, his ears are also deformed beyond recognition.

Frankie Edgar

Frankie “The Answer” Edgar, a former lightweight champion, has earned respect for his durability and relentless fighting style. His cauliflower ears reflect his gritty approach to fighting and his ability to withstand punishment.

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