How to keep your boxing and MMA gloves from smelling (Top 6)
Everyone’s had that experience, you open your gym bag and it smells like something died in it. Well if you want to keep your stuff smelling nice, here are some quick tips. The smell that happens is caused by bacteria, so to stop the smell you have to remove and stop the bacteria in the first place. Let’s see how:
- Store the gloves in a well-ventilated area, or in a bag that allows for air circulation.
- Avoid storing the gloves in a damp or humid area.
- Use a disinfectant spray to kill bacteria and odor. Not always great idea on leather gloves, depending on ingredients it can damage them.
- Keep gloves dry between use and before storing, if possible use a towel to wick out sweat and moisture.
- You could try a chemical deodorizing spray, which does work a little bit, but since you will be sweating and using these gloves regularly we don’t recommend it as we don’t know what those chemicals can do if they soak into your pours.
- One of our favorite methods is to soak up the moisture and stop it at the source. You can’t always keep your bag open and airy, so in between the gym and your home, you can use these to help manage the moisture. An all natural solution that stops smells before they start, our Yuck Bags. The ingredients are 100% natural, and it soaks up moisture that causes most bad smells. Keep it in your gloves or in your gym bag.

Myths that are said to work but we tested them and they definitely don’t:
- Freezing your gloves. We tried both in and out of bags and really all it did was stop the spread of the bacteria, it never got rid of it unfortunately.
- Deodorant sprays: huge no no in our eyes, it just masks the smell and doesn’t get rid of it.
- Alcohol on the gloves. Though this might actually work, if you have leather gloves this will damage them.
- Drier sheets. We tried this one out, though it might mask the smell, it doesnt do much to prevent the smells.