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MMA vs Lethwei — Which One is More Effective?

MMA and Lethwei are two combat systems that do not have much in common. On one side, MMA is a versatile combat sport that has been rising at a high rate over the past couple of decades. And on the other, lethwei is far more brutal and less popular in countries outside of Myanmar, simply because of the fact that it is not legal. But for whatever reason, people often argue over which one is better between these two highly effective combat systems, and why?

Photo by Vladislav Bychkov on Unsplash

It is very hard to make a strong statement and say which one is better, MMA or lethwei. To discover the right answer, we must first see how these two systems compare when it comes to self-defense and many other aspects. But first, let’s look at all the differences.

MMA vs Lethwei — what are the main differences?

MMA and Lethwei differ a lot from one another in just about every segment:


MMA is a popular combat sport and its origins go all the way back to Ancient Greece and the sport called “Pankration”. The first modern version emerged in 1985 in Japan with the birth of the famous “Shooto” promotion. But many people also think that the UFC, established in 1993, is actually the starting point of the modern form of MMA fighting.

The origins of Lethwei go back to the Pyu Empire around the 2nd century BCE. At the time, the soldiers of Myanmar used it as a hand-to-hand weapon to fight in wars. Though it has been around since ancient times, the sports version of Lethwei emerged in the 1960s with the birth of the first rules and regulations.

Emphasis and concept

MMA is a combat sport where trained fighters compete for money, fame, and legacy. It is a mix of only the most effective grappling, striking and ground fighting techniques put into one system. The main goal of each fighter is to develop all-around set of skills and win matches under strict rules. Since not a single combat system covers all the aspects, fighters must train in various martial arts like Muay Thai, wrestling, and BJJ. Though it is a combat sport with strict rules in place, MMA is still the closest humans have got to legal street fighting.


Lethwei is, in the eyes of many people, the most brutal form of fighting that is still illegal in most countries. It is very similar to the more popular Muay Thai except for the fact that Lethwei fighters compete without safety gear. They strike using all limbs as weapons without gloves and are allowed to hit the opponent using the notorious headbutts. Although this is brutal, it is what makes Lethwei a very realistic martial art and efficient in real combat. But more about it in the next section.

Photo by MAZA FIGHT GALLERY on Flickr

Which one is better for self-defense?

Both MMA and Lethwei are very practical for self-defense. Training in any of the two systems will teach you all about the physical and mental aspects of fighting. There is a strong argument that Lethwei might better option as it is far closer to the brutal realism of street fighting. But on the other side, there is also a logical explanation for why MMA might be better.

Is Lethwei better than MMA for street fighting?

Lethwei is a more brutal system because it puts more emphasis on aggression, throwing each strike with full power, and always pushing for a finish. In fact, traditional rules do not include decisions and fights can only end via knockout.


Next, it also fits better within the “rules” of street fighting since there are no gloves so fighters know how to cause damage without injuring their hands. This is crucial as most people, including train boxers, for instance, tend to hurt their hands in a street fight. They are not used to landing or absorbing strikes without gloves.

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On the feet, Lethwei teaches you how to fight at all ranges using 9 limbs as weapons, including the clinch. Also, students practice trips, throws, and sweeps, which makes them capable of defending grappling attacks. Lastly, the fact that you can blast the attacker with your head makes Lethwei far more realistic than MMA.

Is MMA better than lethwei for street fighting?

MMA is far more versatile than lethwei. Though it is a sport where you fight under the rules, it is very effective in a real fight. Each trained MMA athlete knows how to deal with strikes at all ranges, wrestle, and fight on the ground utilizing dominant positions, chokes, and joint locks. Training will teach you all about how to fight at all ranges and unlike Lethwei, at all positions as well.


The conclusion is that MMA might be a better option because of two main reasons. First, Lethwei is not legal in many countries outside of Myanmar, so it would be impossible to find a gym to train in. Second, the training in Lethwei is just too brutal for most people. In some way, MMA represents an ideal balance between all of these factors.

MMA or Lethwei — which one is harder to learn?

On paper, MMA is harder to learn because it includes far more techniques that are also more difficult to master. But this is just a single factor and in order to get a more precise answer, you need to take more factors into consideration.

Which one takes more time to become good at — MMA

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MMA is the most versatile combat system that consists of only the most effective grappling and striking techniques. In order to cover all the aspects of the sport, each fighter must be an expert in multiple martial art styles such as:

  • Wrestling
  • Boxing
  • BJJ
  • Muay Thai

Each week, students switch between these four systems, and on top of that, work on their strength and cardio. On average they need around 3 to 5years of hard training to become skilled in MMA. But on the other side, most fighters would tell you that learning never stops because there are too many variables.

Lethwei only focuses on standup and most people won’t have a hard time learning the basics. On average, you may expect to become good at it after 2 or 3 years of training.

Which has a higher injury rate?

MMA is known as a sport that has the highest injury rate out of all combat sports. However, it is not in the first place when it comes to long-term injuries, as that title belongs to boxing. Training is intense, and the bodies of most people are not capable of sustaining such a workload. In MMA, it’s not about whether you are going to sustain an injury, it’s about when.

Though there is no official study to confirm this, Lethwei is more dangerous simply because it is more brutal. Punching without gloves and smashing the opponent’s faces with headbutts leads to serious injuries. Deep cuts, blood pouring all over the place, broken bones, concussions, these are all injuries fighters sustain in just about every match. It is more brutal than MMA both when it comes to training and competition.

MMA vs Lethwei — who would win?

The answer to this question depends on many factors like the place of the fight, or the skill and size of both fighters. But let’s assume that both fighters share the same level of proficiency and size and that the first fight takes place in an open space, while the second is in a closed like a bar or a room.

MMA fighters have more weapons at their disposal wherever the fight takes place. Even if Lethwei fighters start to get the better of the exchanges on the feet, they can always drop their levels and shoot for a low single leg to take the fight to the ground. The moment an MMA fighter secures a solid grip, Lethwei fighters would go for a ride down as they don’t know the exact procedure of how to defend against takedowns.

The math is simple here, MMA fighters know how to defend against Lethwei attacks. They all know how to block/slip punches, check kicks, escape the clinch and move around. On the other side, Lethwei fighters do not know how to defend takedowns, or even worse, fight on the ground. In most scenarios, MMA fighters would get a takedown and quickly set up a submission.

Don’t get us wrong, there are scenarios where Lethwei fighters might win, notably if the fight is at close range where they can surprise the opponent with vicious clinch work and wild headbutts and overwhelm the MMA fighter with sheer power and intensity. But overall, MMA fighters would likely win most of the time.

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