Shocking Truths: Why Street Fighting Could Destroy Your Life Instantly

No, we won’t talk about how you can get killed in street fighting or how you can end up in jail. Even the birds know that. We are going to talk about why street fighting is one of the stupidest things you can get yourself into.

Don’t get us wrong here, street fighting and self-defense are not and never will be the same thing. Life is fraught with danger and you never know when you will end up in a situation where you have to fight for your life. Or, the type of situations where you have to protect your loved ones.

But if you make a conscious decision to willingly put your life on the line and get into a street fight, the outcome usually isn’t good. You better go and start fighting in combat sports so you can earn some cash at least. There’s nothing good, smart, or even positive in street fighting.

You never know what type of mind you are facing

When they get into a fight, most people think about whether the person they are facing is a skilled fighter or not. Their main issue is whether or not they are going to get beat up, and are not thinking much about the mind of the opponent. The person you are about to fight might be a psycho, or maybe they can do something really bad just out of fear. Street fighting is a stressful situation that triggers our primal instincts, which is a reason why so many people are killing each other on the streets. 

For instance, let’s say that you got into a street fight and beat up the person that you had problems with. You can go home happy that you won, and forget about this after a couple of days. But if you beat up the wrong person, a psycho, then this might be just the beginning. Your punches and kicks might have just triggered an avalanche in their minds that will not end well. They might seek revenge, and catch you when you are least expecting it.

We all have different reactions to stress, and the sudden rush of fear and adrenalin might be traumatic for some people. This may affect their mental health in the long run. Not all people have the ability to get into a fight and forget about it after a couple of days.

You are not prepared to deal with all scenarios

No matter how tough you are, skilled in all elements of fighting, know how to deal with weapons, you are not prepared for all scenarios. Street fighting is not a combat sport when there are strict rules on what you can do or not in a fight. Once the fists start flying in the bar, parking lot, or any other place or time, you are going out of your comfort zone.

You just can’t train or prepare yourself in any way for all types of scenarios you might face on the streets. The floor might be slippery, you might not have enough space to throw a punch, go for a takedown. Next, the opponent’s friends might decide to jump in, maybe they have some weapons, or maybe you are drunk. There are so many variables and scenarios that you can’t even imagine.

Photo by Shay Sowden on flickr

This also stands for skilled fighters who may think that they know what fighting is. Yes, the skills you learn in BJJ or boxing can help you in a fight, but won’t prepare you for all scenarios. Fighting for your life differs a lot from sparring in the gym, and it even feels different. Your mind knows the difference between the gym where you spar against your friends, and a wild man trying to hurt you in a bar. Or in other words, you might get scared despite being a fighter.

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the dangers of street fighting. You can fight on the streets every single day for the next 10 years, and you still won’t prepare yourself for all the scenarios.

Even if you win, it is likely that you will end up hurt

We are not sure what the term “winning” means in street fighting. But one thing is for sure, you will get hurt regardless of the outcome. It doesn’t matter if you win or lose, there is a high chance you will, at least, hurt your fingers or knuckles. In the worst-case scenario, you might end up with broken bones, deep cuts, concussions, and many, many other bad injuries.

Once again, there is a difference between combat sports and street fighting. This time, we are talking about the gear, notably the hand wraps and gloves. And the way you throw a strike in street fighting differs due to high adrenalin and fear. The combo of these two things is why most people break their hands in street fighting.

Photo by dylan nolte on Unsplash

First of all, hand wraps are there to secure your knuckle and prevent it from moving around when you land a punch. And second, we all know the purpose of the gloves. But in street fighting, your knuckles and fingers will absorb too much force. This is notably true if you hit the forehead or at the wrong angle. The risk of fractures increases when you think that most people tend to swing with full power due to high adrenalin and fear.

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Boxers or MMA fighters rarely throw punches with 100% power because even with the gloves on, they can still hurt their hands.

Low probability of success

Whether you are reading this article at home, on the bus, or at work, stop for a moment and think about what winning means in street fighting? Or in other words, what is a good outcome? There is no good outcome because street fighting is an illegal activity that only leads to trouble, and nothing else.

What is a good outcome? To beat the opponent and enjoy that rush of dopamine before the police come? Before you destroy your life with a criminal record at a young age? And is beating the opponent and seeing their faces busted up something you will feel good about? Is that a good outcome?

It doesn’t matter if you win or lose, all outcomes of street fighting are bad. It can only get from bad to worse, both for you and the person you are fighting with. The risk is simply not worth it as there is a thin line between winning and spending a night in the police station, and being dead or killing somebody.

Know the difference between self-defense and street fighting

Street fighting is the stupidest thing as long as you have a choice. Life itself is unpredictable and you never know when you will end up in a situation where you have to defend yourself. So it’s crucial to know the difference when is the time to back off from the situations where you have to put on a fight. And this is not rocket science.

Self-defense situations are the ones in which you don’t have a choice. When someone is trying to rob you, or attacks you out of nowhere. Or even if someone approaches you and you can’t talk your way out of it or run away, it’s probably the time to clench the fists. Most self-defense situations happen too fast and you don’t have much time to think or try to talk your way out.

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Street fighting differs a lot because here you have a choice. You can refuse a fight, try to calm everything down or deescalate. But if someone challenges you to a fight and you accept it, then you are willingly exposing yourself to all of the risks.

Once you get into trouble, the most important thing is to stay calm and assess the situation you are in. Always keep in mind that fighting is the last resort, and give your best to avoid it.

hopefully this gives you a better understanding of all the scenarios when fighting. we hope it helps you make better choices. If you enjoy this article, don’t forget to subscribe to updates below.

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