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What are the Benefits of Boxing?

Photo by Lorenzo Fattò Offidani on Unsplash

Boxing is one of the oldest martial arts that has been around for thousands of years. In modern times, it is practiced both as a combat sport and for various other physical and mental benefits.

Overall, Boxing is a great form of exercise that offers many benefits for both the body and mind. It improves strength in all muscle groups, endurance, and coordination. It is also a great way to burn calories and get in top shape in a short time span. And, it is known as one of the best methods to relieve stress and improve mental health.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of boxing in more detail, and maybe encourage you to sign up for the classes.

Cardio and Strenght Benefits

Boxing gets your heart rate up

Boxing is a great way to improve cardiovascular health. The sport is cardio-intense and requires quick movements and lots of energy. It will keep your heart rate up and blood flowing for the entire class, with very few breaks.

In the long run, this will make your heart stronger and improve lung capacity. Your resting heart rate will be much lower, as well as your blood pressure. And, consistent training also boosts endurance, which is also important for maintaining a healthy heart.

So, if you’re looking for a way to get your heart rate up and improve your cardiovascular health, boxing may be a great choice. Just be sure to consult with a doctor before starting any new exercise regimen. You don’t have to be fit to start with boxing, but you must be healthy.

Boxing uses all of your major muscles

Boxing is a mix of aerobic and anaerobic workouts that will activate and improve every single muscle group in your body. It is a fun and dynamic way to improve overall fitness and develop functional strength.

Boxing is considered a full-body workout that engages all of the major muscle groups. This includes the legs, arms, chest, core, back, and shoulders. With a bit of consistency, you may expect to improve the strength of these muscles in a short time span. You won’t develop big muscles, but you will have a ripped body and a nice muscle tone.

In classes, you will do a lot of bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, etc.

Improves Coordination

It has been proven that boxing can help improve your hand-eye coordination. You will achieve this through various drills that require coordination of your legs, arms, and eyes.

The key exercises are the ones where you must focus on hitting the target. This involves intense workouts on the heavy bag and hitting the pads with the coach. Though it sounds simple, learning how to mix footwork with upper body movement and punches is hard.

Photo by MARK ADRIANE on Unsplash

Another great exercise is shadowboxing where you move around and execute techniques by yourself. This helps you coordinate the movements better and develop a proper form. Last but not least, coordination also helps with your speed and agility as well as balance.

All of these things will improve your health and can lead to better boxing performance.

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Weight loss

When it comes to weight loss, boxing is one of the best workouts. Not only does it burn a lot of calories, but it also helps to build lean muscle mass, which can help to boost your metabolism.

According to studies, a single boxing class burns up to 800 calories, which is a lot. Of course, the exact number depends on the class, your weight, age, and many other factors. But still, that is just about the same as running for an hour.

This will also speed up your metabolism, and if you adopt a healthy diet, you will get into the best shape in a very short time span. You will maintain a healthy weight, and make your body stronger, leaner, and healthier.

On top of that, you will lose weight the fun way. Compared to regular fitness training, boxing classes are dynamic, playful, and never get monotone.

Mental benefits

The way boxing improves focus and concentration is very simple. Classes require strict discipline, hard effort, and you listening to the instructor all the time. For an hour or more, your mind will be occupied with a specific task, without any distractions.

Next, visualization exercises are very important in boxing. This involves picturing oneself in the ring and executing punches and combos with proper technique. You can do this while hitting the bag, pads, or shadow boxing.

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This will have a huge impact on your life outside the gym as well. Better focus translates to you being more productive at work, and in the relationship, which will improve your quality of life.

Boxing can help relieve stress

With all the stress that comes with everyday life, sometimes it can all feel a bit too much. But what can you do to de-stress? For some, the answer lies in intense boxing workouts.

Boxing is not only a great workout, but it’s also a great way to let out accumulated stress. Hitting a heavy bag, pads or sparring can be very beneficial to your mental health. Instead of laying on the couch after a stressful day, pack your bag and hit a boxing gym. Working hard and throwing hundreds of punches is how you relieve stress, not by sitting at home and overthinking.

Photo by Lorenzo Fattò Offidani on Unsplash

If you’re looking for a new way to relieve stress, why not give boxing a try? It could be just what you need to help you relax and feel better.

Boxing improves confidence and self-esteem

Boxing makes your mind stronger. In training, you will push your mind and body over the limits all the time, and realize how strong you are. With the improvement in fitness, skill, and discipline, you will become a more confident person.

This will have a positive impact on the way you approach work, and relationships, deal with problems, etc.

Boxing makes you happy

There is a famous stigma that boxing makes people more angry and aggressive. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, it is the total opposite as boxing training makes people happy.

Many studies have confirmed that hard training releases various “happy” chemicals in our minds, and a boxing workout is no exception. Through hard work in classes, you will increase the levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain. These two hormones are associated with happiness and well-being.

Photo by Lucy Dunne on Unsplash

This is the main reason why we feel so exhausted and happy after each hard workout. Yes, you are tired, and maybe in pain. But your mind feels empty and relaxed, and in the long run, giving the brain consistent doses of serotonin and dopamine will improve your mental health.

Boxing also improves physical health and fitness which is another important factor in happiness. So if you’re looking for a way to boost your mood, consider giving boxing a try.

Boxing is great for self-defense

Boxing is one of the most effective martial arts for self-defense. Having proper boxing skills in a street fighting scenario can help you defend yourself in a number of ways.

First, boxing helps you develop fighting instincts, technique, and reflexes. It teaches you to always keep your opponent in sight, be aware of their reactions, and be ready to respond quickly and decisively. If someone is coming at you with punches, you will have all the skills to block, dodge or throw a shot on your own.

This is crucial because the most common way of attacking the streets is by throwing a punch. It is the fastest and most efficient way you can hurt a person standing in front. And boxing is the best when it comes to these types of attacks.

MMA athletes are always looking for ways to gain an edge over the competition. One way that many have found success is by training in boxing. Boxing can help MMA fighters in a number of ways.

Next steps

Boxing provides many benefits that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds. It is an excellent way to get fit and improve your physical and mental health. It can also be a fun and exciting way to socialize and meet new people. If you are thinking about taking up boxing, be sure to do your research and find a proper club or gym in your area.

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