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Kung Fu or Kickboxing — Which One is Better?

Kung Fu and Kickboxing are two different combat systems that do not have much in common. In fact, these two differ a lot in just about every aspect, but which one is better and why?

Kung Fu is a form of combat that puts a lot of emphasis on finding inner peace through martial art practices and traditional philosophy. It is not an aggressive combat system as there is no full contact sparring. Kickboxing is the total opposite in some way as it is all about full contact, power, and brutal knockouts.

Keep reading this article to discover more about Kung Fu vs Kickboxing and how these two compare in various aspects.

What are the main differences between kung fu and kickboxing?

Kung Fu and Kickboxing are two forms of combat that do not share much in common. This is notably true when you take a look at the history of both of these arts, emphasis, strategies, and techniques. Here is a brief of all the differences you should be aware of:

History and origins

The term Kung Fu is a bit confusing. First, it stands for a group of Chinese martial arts called wushu and quanfa. Second, it refers to any skill you develop through hard work and learning, and it doesn’t have to be martial arts. Its origins go all the way back to Xia Dynasty around 4,000 years ago.

Kickboxing, on the other side, is a modern combat system. It has emerged in the 1950s in Japan as a mix of karate techniques and Muay Thai full contact rules. The original founders of Kickboxing were Tatsuo Yamada and boxing promoter Osamu Noguchi.

Emphasis and power

The emphasis of Kung Fu varies between different styles and forms. In its initial form, it was just a form of exercise Shaolin Monks used to get in shape and keep their bodies strong. Later on, it would become a hand to hand combat system practiced by Chinese soldiers. The emphasis is on forms, meditation exercises, and overcoming oneself. It also focuses on self-defense tactics, but in most schools, there is no sparring.

Kickboxing is an aggressive system designed for real combat. Its techniques are simple, practical, and deadly. The main emphasis is on learning how to mix kicks with the punches to hurt the opponent as much as possible with every strike or knock them out cold. It is all about training your body and mind for real fighting and this is what makes it more effective than Kung Fu.

Methods of training and techniques

Kung Fu is a complex martial art. In most forms, the emphasis is hand and leg strikes. It teaches various stances, blocks, punches, kicks, dirty tactics, and ways of attacking. It also includes a lot of flashy moves that are hard to master.

Over the years, Kung Fu remained close to its traditional philosophy, techniques, and methods of training, so it hasn’t evolved much over time. Students still spend a lot of time doing forms, meditation exercises, and they never spar. In the end, this has an impact on the image of Kung Fu in the modern world and its effectiveness.

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Kickboxing training focuses on teaching a person all about the mental and physical aspects of real fighting. Students spend a lot of time sparring full contact, and the emphasis is on learning only the most practical techniques that all work in real life. Unlike in Kung Fu, there are no flashy moves that take a lot of time to learn and are not that practical in real life.

Kung Fu vs Kickboxing for self defense

Kickboxing is a far better option if you want to learn self-defense tactics. Its concept of training fits better within street fighting, and techniques are far more practical. This may sound odd considering that kickboxing is a combat sport while Kung Fu is more oriented towards self-defense. But the most important thing in street fighting is whether the skills you learn work or not.

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First of all, kickboxing is all about throwing each kick or punch with a lot of power and goal to hurt the opponent. Training includes a lot of hard sparring where you will simulate a real-life fighting scenario with your partner. This is the best way you can train both your mind and body for what you may encounter on the streets. You can’t expect to learn how to stay calm when fists start flying and keep your cool if you have never spar. The same stands for automatic reactions, the way you keep your range, or the accuracy of your strikes.

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Training alone in Kung Fu and doing forms and all those flashy moves looks great. But this approach is not that effective in real fighting at all. How would you know if a specific technique works in real life if you have never tried to apply it against the moving target who puts on resistance? You can only guess and hope that, once the fight breaks out, the moves you practiced alone would get you out of trouble.

Kung Fu vs Kickboxing for MMA

Kickboxing plays a big role in modern MMA in terms of striking. Kung Fu, on the other side, is also present in cage fighting, but not as much due to various reasons. If you want to start with combat sports and then switch over to MMA at some point, kickboxing should be your option in that case.

First of all, kickboxing fits well within the rules of MMA. Each move that you learn is allowed in MMA and is very practical. Next, MMA is a sport where fighters compete on the feet at all ranges, including inside the clinch.

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Whether you choose a Dutch or Muay Thai style, you would cover the entire standup aspect of MMA. You would learn fast and hard kicks, western boxing combos, and how to mix it all together with elbows and knees. Not a single martial art is better than kickboxing when it comes to striking in MMA.


Throughout MMA history, there have also been fighters with a strong background in Kung Fu. However, these fighters were also experts in other combat sports, like BJJ or Muay Thai, and they never utilized Kung Fu techniques that much in matches. Also, some moves that you learn in Kung Fu like throat strikes and eye gouging are illegal in MMA.

On top of that, most Kung Fu techniques do not work in MMA at all or are not as practical as techniques from other arts. All those flashy moves students learn in training may look effective. But in reality, these techniques are usually not that practical and it is very hard to pull such a move off in real combat. In most cases, these techniques take a lot of time to execute, a time opponent may use to counter your attack.

Kung Fu vs Kickboxing for fitness and weight loss

When it comes to fitness and weight loss, both Kung Fu and Kickboxing have many benefits. Training in both of these two martial arts would make your body and mind healthier, stronger, and improve health. But, before you make the final pick, bear in mind that the concept and methods of training differ a lot between these two arts.

Kickboxing is a modern system that is more oriented towards modern day lifestyle. Most schools include an amateur group where you can train to improve your fitness and learn some valuable fighting skills. There is also a “kickboxing fitness” movement that is rapidly growing all around the world. Although not as effective as real kickboxing classes, the fitness version would get your body in shape in a very short time span.

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On the other side, Kung Fu classes might have even more benefits than kickboxing. But the only problem is the fact that not as many people are into wearing a Gi uniform, doing katas and meditation exercises. Most people who train martial arts for fitness want to come in, sweat a lot in less than an hour, and get back home. They approach martial art classes the same as the gym workout, and that’s why these people avoid Kung Fu classes.

Kung Fu vs Kickboxing for kids

Kung Fu is a much better option for kids mainly because it is much safer. In classes, students rarely do any live drills, and even when they do, the focus is on technique. There is no striking to the head or throwing hard kicks at all.

Kung Fu classes would teach your child all about discipline, respect, and how important it is to work hard to achieve your goals. It is a great introduction into the world of martial arts, and probably the safest.

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On the other side, kickboxing classes are also popular among kids, but not as much as kung fu. It is safe because kids have to wear protective gear all the time, and would rarely do any sparring that might get them hurt.

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